He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

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Destreza Glossaries

The Destreza Glossary | Pacheco de Narváez Abridgment Glossary

Glossary: Don Luis Pacheco de Narváez

From: Compendio de la Filosofía y Destreza de las armas de Geronimo de Carranza por Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez [Abridgment of the Philosophy and Art of Arms of Jerónimo de Carranza]
Translated by: Mary Curtis - © 2002

Declaracion de lo qve sinifica cada vocablo de los que tocan a la Teorica de la Arte.

Declaration of what each word that concerns the Theory of the Art means.

  1. Angvlo es el rinco' q’ haze el braço con la efpada, o las piernas.

    Angle is the inside corner that the arm with the sword makes to the legs.

  2. Angulo es, a do eftà la fuerça del cuerpo.

    Angle is, where the strength of the body is located.

  3. Angulo recto, es el que hazen la efpada, y el braço, eftando el cuerpo derecho igualmente fobre ambos pies.

    Right angle, is that which make the sword, and the arm, the body standing equally over both feet.

  4. Angulo obtufo, es que hazen la efpada, y el cuerpo, quando fe forma el mouimiento viole'to para el tajo.

    Obtuse angle, is what the sword, and the body make when one forms the violent [rising] movement for the tajo [cut from right to left].

  5. Angulo agudo, es qua'do la efpada fe baxa del angulo recto, defuerte que el braço no eftà del tòdo junto al cuerpo.

    Acute angle, is when the sword lowers from the right angle, so that the arm is not completely next to the body.

  6. Angulo moderado, es la buena poftura de pies que fe aparta de todos los quatro eftremos.

    Moderate angle, is the good positioning of the feet that is withdrawn from all four extremes.

  7. Angulo folido, es el que haze el braço y el cuerpo eftando en poftura.

    Solid angle, is that which the arm and the body make being in position.

  8. Acometimiento perfeto, es al roftro.

    Perfect acometimiento, is to the face.

  9. Acometimiento imperfeto, es albraço, o al muflo.

    Imperfect acometimiento, is to the arm, or to the thigh.

  10. Afirmarfe, no es de effencia de la deftreza.

    To assume a stance is not essential for the destreza.

  11. Atajo en la deftreza, es quando una de las armas fe pone fobre la otra, que la que está fugora, tiene menos partes por do falir.

    Atajo in the destreza, is when one of the weapons is placed over the other, so that the one that is apt to move away, has fewer places by which to escape.

  12. Arco, es el medio mouimiento circular.

    Arc is the half circular movement.

  13. Auifo, es una herida de primera intencio', q’ fe executa fin reparo ni acometimiento.

    Aviso is a strike of first intention, that is executed without parry nor acometimiento.

  14. Apartar la linea del punto, es defuiar la efpada de la poftura del angulo recto, que es donde efta el medio de la poftura del braço.

    To take the point off-line is to divert the sword from the position of the right angle, that is where the center of the arm’s position is located.

  15. Ce'tro fe llama, do'de efta la fuerça del cuerpo.

    Center is the name for where the strength of the body is located.

  16. Centro comun, es la tierra.

    Common center, is the earth.

  17. Centro, es el medio de la circunferencia.

    Center is the middle of the circumference.

  18. Centro en la efpada, es el nacimiento del braço, en angulo recto.

    Center of the sword is the beginning of the arm in the right angle.

  19. Centro, es la empuñadura de la efpada en angulo agudo.

    Center is the sword's handle in acute angle.

  20. Cantidad difcreta, es el numero, con q’ fe graduan los compafes, y los tajos.

    Discreet quantity is the number with which the compasses [steps] and the tajos are measured.

  21. Cantidad continua, es la efpada, y el mouimiento de la herida.

    Continuous quantity is the sword and the movement of the strike.

  22. Caufa es lo mefmo que la razon en q’ fe funda una cofa.

    Cause is the same as the reason on which a thing is founded.

  23. Calidad, es la fuerça que fe pone en el mouimiento natural.

    Quality is the strength that one puts in the natural movement.

  24. Cantidad en la deftreza, es el mouimiento largo, o breue.

    Quantity in the destreza is the long or short movement.

  25. Co'pas recto, es quando el pie va por la linea que atrauiefsa el circulo por medio.

    Straight compass [step] is when the foot goes along the line that crosses the circle through the middle.

  26. Co'pas curuo, es quando el pie fe pone a algun lado de la circunferencia.

    Curved compass [step] is when the foot is placed to some side of the circumference.

  27. Contiguo, es lo que efta junto a una cofa.

    Contiguous is that which is next to a thing.

  28. Concaufa, es cofa que fe añade a la caufa.

    Concausa is a thing that is added to the cause.

  29. Eftado en deftreza, es el perfil en q' q'da el cuerpo defpues de aver herido, erparado, o defuiado.

    Being in destreza, it is the profile in which the body remains after having struck, parried, or deflected.

  30. Eftar la efpada parada (digo en poftura) es eftar parada.

    To be the sword blocked (I mean in positioning) is to be stopped.

  31. Engaño en la deftreza, es dar la herida co' de'tere'te poftura de la q’ tuvo la efpada al principio.

    Feint in the destreza, is to strike with different positioning from that which the the sword had in the beginning.

  32. Fixo, es aquel pie, fobre q’ el cuerpo eftuuiere cargado, q’ algunas vezes fe llama, Centro de la circunfere'cia q’ fe imaginare.

    Fixed is that foot over which the body is positioned that sometimes is called the Center of the circumference that one imagines.

  33. Fin perfeto, es quando la treta fe cumple fin impedimento.

    Perfect end is when the technique is completed without impediment.

  34. Fin imperfeto, es quando la efpada del contrario eftorna la herida, que no llegue a donde auia de dar.

    Imperfect end, is when the adversary’s sword turns the strike, that does not arrive where it would have hit.

  35. Fin intencional, es el fin perfeto.

    Intentional end is the perfect end.

  36. Fin accidental, es el fin imperfeto.

    Accidental end is the imperfect end.

  37. Necefsitar al contrario, es facarlo de la buena poftura q' tiene, y hazer que fe po'ga en algun eftremo.

    To necesitate the adversary is to take him out of the good positioning that he has and make him put himself in some extreme.

  38. Medir la efpadas, es elegir medio de proporcio'.

    To measure the swords is to choose a measure of proportion.

  39. Medio proporcionado, es la difta'cia determinada que tiene cada efpecie de herida en todas las armas.

    Proportionate measure is the determined distance that each type of strike has in all the weapons.

  40. Mouimiento natural, es el acto fegundo que haze la efpada en el tajo, o reues, con que hiere.

    Natural movement is the second action that the sword makes in the tajo [cut from right to left] or reverse with which it strikes.

  41. Mouimiento violento, es el primer acto que haze la efpada en el tajo o reues, que nunca hiere.

    Violent [rising] movement is the first action that the sword makes in the tajo or reverse that never injures.

  42. Mouimiento remiffo, es el que haze la efpada a los lados ambos.

    Remiss [sideways] movement is that which the sword makes to both sides.

  43. Mouimiento mixto, es el de los defuios a los lados.

    Mixed movement is that of the deflections to the sides.

  44. Mouimiento circular, es tajo o reues, o defuio.

    Circular movement is the tajo or reverse, or deflection.

  45. Mouimie'to veheme'te, es el natural, qua'do fe le aplica fuerça.

    Vehement movement is the natural when one applies strength to it.

  46. Mouimiento propio, es el tajo, o el reues.

    Proper movement is the tajo or the reverse.

  47. Mouimiento accidental, o eftraño, es la eftocada, o el defuio.

    Accidental [forward] or extraño [backward] movement is the thrust or the deflection.

  48. Matar el mouimiento, es cargar la efpada fobre la contraria, defpues de auer dado el golpe en la mia.

    To kill the movement is to place one's sword over the opposing sword after having given the blow in mine.

  49. Generalifsimo de la efpada, es el nacimiento del braço, como la cabeça lo es de todos los mouimientos, y el uno es lugar propio, y el otro lugar comun.

    Government of the sword is the beginning of the arm, as the head is of all the movements, and the one is the proper place, and the other the common place.

  50. Linea recta, es eftocada.

    Straight line is the thrust.

  51. Linea circular, es tajo o reues.

    Circular line is the tajo or reverse.

  52. Linea Efpiral en deftreza, es un mouimie'to que va rodeando la efpada contraria, a manerade caracol.

    Spiral line in the destreza is a movement that circles the opposing sword in the manner of the snail.

  53. Linea Eliaca, es la que ciñe la efpada co' el mouimiento de la daga.

    Eliaca line, is that which ciñe the sword with the movement of the dagger.

  54. Linea Paralelo es la q' hazé ambas efpadas p---- eftocadas, por la circu'fere'cia de los co'pafes.

    Parallel line is that which both swords make executing thrusts along the circumference of the compasses.

  55. Linea Diagonal, es qua'do la efpada eftà en poftura.

    Diagonal line is when the sword is in position.

  56. Linea, es qualquier mouimiento q' haze la efpada.

    Line is whichever movement that the sword makes.

  57. Linea del Diametro, es la que atrauieffa todo el circulo.

    Line of the Diameter is the line that crosses the entire circle.

  58. Propoficion, es lo mifmo que treta.

    Proposition is the same as technique.

  59. Propinquo, es lo q' eftà cerca del centro.

    Nearby is that which is near the center.

  60. Perfil, es la poftura del cuerpo, buena o mala fin confiderarlo con la efpada.

    Profile is the positioning of the body, good or bad, without considering it with the sword.

  61. Punto, es la punta de la efpada, refpeto de toda la cantidad.

    Point is the tip of the sword with respect to all the quantity.

  62. Poftura de proporcio', es qua'do el cuerpo està derechame'te afirmado fobre ambos pies.

    Proportioned positioning, is when the body is maintained directly over both feet.

  63. Porcio' de linea, es alguna parte del mouimie'to.

    Portion of the line is some part of the movement.

  64. Poftura co'prehende lo q’ hazen el cuerpo, y la efpada juntos.

    Positioning includes that which the body and the sword do together.

  65. Perfil, toca a la postura del cuerpo, fin que la efpada pueda obrar.

    Profile refers to the body's positioning without which the sword cannot work.

  66. Poftura Angular, es qua'do la efpada eftá parada.

    Angular positioning, is when the sword is stopped.

  67. Poftura eftrema, es qua'do està rematada la fuerça de la efpada, de qualquier fuerte q’ eftè el cuerpo.

    Extreme positioning, is when the sword's strength is rematada, from whatever strength that is the body.

  68. Passo Geometrico, es el q’ hazemos qua'do andamos, ni apriefsa, ni efpacio en la deftreza.

    Geometric step is that which we do when we walk, without hurrying, nor space in the destreza.

  69. Poftura ultimada, es lo mifmo q’ eftrema.

    Final positioning, is the same as extreme.

  70. Tretas de primera intencio', fon las q’ em-d--çan por el cuerpo, o por la efpada, fin d------f- hafta q’ fe executa el golpe.

    Techniques of first intention are those that begin by the body or by the sword without ending until the blow is executed.

  71. Tretas de fegunda intencion, fon las q’ fe hazen començando primero el contrario.

    Techniques of second intention are those that are performed with the adversary beginning first.

  72. Tretas formadas fon, quando el contrario haze treta de tajo, y del mifmo tajo fe faca tajo co' que le hieren.

    Formed techniques are when the adversary does the tajo technique and from the same tajo one forms a tajo with which one strikes him.

  73. Treta doble, es la que tiene dos golpes.

    Double technique is that which has two blows.

  74. Treta fencilla, es la que tiene uno folo.

    Simple technique is that which has only one.

  75. Tretas q’ fe couierte', fon aquellas q’ acaba' de tajo, come'çando en eftocada, o come'çando de reues, acaban en tajo, y son univerfales.

    Techniques that are converted are those that end in the tajo, beginning in the thrust or beginning with the reverse; they end in the tajo, and are universal.

  76. Treta uniuerfal, es la q’ fe haze co'tra tajo co'trar reues, co'tra estocada, para artemeter y efperar.

    Universal technique is that which one makes against the tajo, against the reverse, against the thrust, in order to artemeter and to wait.

  77. Treta particular, es la q’ fe haze por fola una parte.

    Particular technique is that which one makes by only one part.

  78. Treta de atajo, es la universal.

    Technique of atajo is the universal.

  79. Treta de auifo, es de folo un mouimie'to, efpecie de tretas de primera intencion.

    Technique of aviso consists of only one movement, a type of technique of first intention.

  80. Sagita, es la eftocada q’ fe haze co'tra el mouimiento violento.

    Sagita is the thrust that one makes against the violent [rising] movement.

  81. Objeto, es el cuerpo do fe endereça la herida.

    Object [target] is the body where one directs the strike.

  82. Remoto, es lo q’ eftá mas apartado del ce'tro.

    Remote is that which is furthest from the center.

  83. Eftrechar en deftreza, es lo mefmo q’ neceffitar al contrario.

    To stretch in destreza is the same as to necesitate the adversary.

  84. Ece'trico de la efpada, es la empuñadura, efta'ndo en poftura de angulo agudo.

    Ecentrico of the sword is the handle, being in the position of the acute angle.

  85. Efpecie, es treta de tajo, reues, o eftocada.

    Type [species] is a technique of tajo, reverse, or thrust.

  86. Defuiar, es defuiar el mouimie'to q’ haze la efpada co'traria, y ta'bien efta'do parada.

    To deflect is to deflect the movement that the opposing sword makes and also being stopped.

  87. Reparo perfeto, ha de nacer de la propia herida q’ ha de fer de fu mifma efpecie.

    Perfect parry should begin from the appropriate strike that should be of its same type.