He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.

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the Destreza Glossary
E - Esgrima/Esgrimir

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (D-F), 1732
Esgrima. s.f. Ensayo de reñir y batallar uno con otro, para aprender y saber jugar la espada: y por no ser riña verdadera se llama Juego de esgrima. Sale del Toscano Scherma, que vale lo mismo. Lat. Ludus gladiatorius. Saav. Empr.2. Los Reyés de Persia daban à sus hijos Maestros, que en los primeros siete años de su edad se ocupassen en organizar bien sus cuerpecillos, y en los otros siete en fortalecellos con los exercicios de la ginéta y de la esgrima. Gong. Rom. Var.9. “Y los gregúescos de seda, / aforrados en telilla, / mucho mas acuchillados, / que mulattos en esgrima.”

Fencing. s.f. Essay of reñir and fighting [contesting] one with another, in order to learn and know how to play the sword: and because it is not a true riña it is called Game of fencing. It comes from the Tuscan Scherma, that means the same thing. Lat. Ludus gladiatorius. Saav. Empr.2. The Kings of Persia gave Masters to their sons [children], so that in the first seven years of their life they occupied themselves in organizing well their little bodies, and in the other seven in fortalizing themselves with the exercises of horsemanship and fencing. Gong. Rom. Var.9. “And the gregúescos of silk, / aforrados in telilla, / much more cut, / than mulattos in fencing.”

Maestro de esgrima. El que enseña las postúras, el denuedo, el aire en cortar de tajo y reves, y herir de punta, el acometer, el retirarse, el reparar el golpe, huir el cuerpo, y todo lo demás concerniente à defenderse y offender con la espada. Lat. Lanista. Quev. Tacañ. cap.8. Esto es lo bueno, y no los borrachéras que enseñan estos bellacos Maestros de esgrima, que no saben sino beber.

Master of fencing. He that teaches the stances [postures], the denuedo, the aire in cortar of tajo and reverse, and to wound with the point, the attack, the retreat, the reparar the blow, to void the body, and all the rest concerned with defending oneself and attacking with the sword. Lat. Lanista. Quev. Tacañ. cap.8. This is the good, and not the drunks that teach these bellacos Masters of fencing, that know nothing but how to drink.

Esgrimidor. s.m. El Maestro que enseña el juego de la esgrima: y tambien significa el que la sabe jugar. Lat. Gladiator. Macharophorus. Pic. Just. F.158. En especial decian que jugaba por extrémo un tiempo que llaman los Esgrimidóres Tajo volado. Cast. Solorz. Donair. f.101. “En cas de un esgrimidor, / nunca sobraron salégos.”

Fencer. s.m. The Master that teaches the game of fencing: and also means he that knows how to play. Lat. Gladiator. Macharophorus. Pic. Just. F.158. They especially said that he played por extrémo a time that the Fencers call the flying Tajo. Cast.Solorz.Donair.f.101. “In house [case] of a fencer, / never sobraron salégos.”

Esgrimidura. s.f. El acto de jugar la espáda. Trahe esta voz Nebrixa en su Vocabulario; pero no tiene uso. Lat. Gladiatura, a.

Fencing. s.f. The act of playing the sword. Nebrixa brings this word in his Vocabulary; but it is not used. Lat. Gladiatura, a.

Esgrimir. v.a. Jugar la espáda negra, reparando y deteniendo los golpes del contrario, y acometiendole, executando lo que se enseña en la escuéla de la esgrima. Lat. Obtusis gladiis velitare. Cerv. Quix. rom.2 .cap19. Si vuestra merced toma mi consejo, de aqui adelante no ha de desasiar à nadie à esgrimir, sino à luchar ò à tirar la barra. Quev. Tacañ. cap.8. Deme los affadóres, que no los quiero sino para esgrimir.

To fence. v.a. To play the foil [black sword], parrying and detaining the blows of the adversary, and attacking him, performing that which one is taught in the school of fencing. Lat. Obtusis gladiis velitare. Cerv. Quix. rom.2. cap19. If you [vuestra merced] take my advice, from now on you will not desasiar anyone to fence, but to fight or to throw the barra. Quev. Tacañ. cap.8. Give me the affadóres, that I do not want them but to fence.

Esgrimir. Vale tambien offender y herir con la espáda desnuda, haciendo daño al contrario, jugandola no de burlas, sino de versa. Lat. Gladio percutere. Digladiari. Pant. part.2. Rom.21. “esgrime el luciente acéro, / que complice de sus iras, / guardó por algun espacio / rayo flamante la cinta.”

To fence. It also means to attack and wound with the bare blade, giving injury to the adversary, playing it not for fun, but in truth. Lat. Gladio percutere. Digladiari. Pant. part.2. Rom.21. “Already fences the luciente acéro, / that complice of his anger, / guarded for some time / flaming ray the belt.”

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
Esgríma [f.] = fence-play, flourishing or brandishing of a weapon.
*maestro de Esgríma = a master of fence.
Esgrimadúra = skill in fence, flourishing of a weapon, playing at cudgels.
Esgrimidór [m.] = a fencer, one that can handle a weapon skilfully.
Esgremír, yo Esgrímo = to fence, to flourish a weapon, to play at cudgels or bucklers. [Alternate spellings: Esgríme, Esgrémo, Esgremir]

Related Words:
Leváda [f.] = a thing lifted vp. Also prooued, tried, assaied. Also a bout or turne at fence.
Leváda en juégo = a bout at fence.
Valentón = a fencer, one that maketh him- selfe valiant.
Valiénte = valiant, strong, couragious, a fencer.