He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

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New Science Excerpt

Luis Pacheco de Narváez's New Science was the culmination of his study of fencing theory and practice, and it was published posthumously. In it, Pacheco compares the "true" destreza to various other systems in a variety of topics, and he delineates the historical changes in certain concepts and/or categorizations of fencing. Below is a translaton/transcription of his listing of the authors cited in his text as well as a translation of an excerpt that will be expanded in the future. (Copy of original text courtesy of the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, Spain)
Translation: Mary Dill Curtis ©2004
Note: The spelling and order of names have not been changed from the original text.

The authors that are cited in this book who have written on the subject of the Destreza of the Weapons:

Iayme Pons de Berpiñan
Pedro Moncio
Achile Marozo
Camilo Agripa
Giacomi de Grasi
Ioachin Meyer
Ioanes de la Agochie
Ridalfo Capoferro
Nicolao Gigante
Angelo Vizani
Federico Ghisliero

Maestre Vico
Maestre Claso
Marco Docciolini
Alferez Falopia
Francisco Roman
Pedro de la Torre
Salvador de Fabres
Don Atanasio de Ayala
Geronimo de Carrança
Giraldo Tibaot

Those who have written about the destreza on horseback:
Don Diego Ramirez de Haro
Don Iuan de Peralta
Conde de Puñonrostro
Don Bernardo de Vargas Machuca
Don Simon de Villalobos
Don Diego Silvestre y Luduvico
Geronimo de Carrança
Federico Ghisliero
Camilo Agripa

Excerpt from "Don Luis Pacheco de Narváez to the Reader":

We find eight authors to be the first roots of this sect (deformed and horrendous monster that men have venerated) the five Italians, who were Pedro Moncio, Achile Marozo, Camilo Agripa, Giacomi de Grasi, Ioanes de la Agochie; from Mallorca was Iayme Pons de Perpiñan; and Spaniards Francisco Roman and Pedro de la Torre. They followed these (in everything, although contradicting them in part) another great swarm of Authors, whose writings superfluously wander through the world, like tournaments (1) of their vanities. These were Ioachin Meyer, the Lieutenant Falopia (2), Angelo Vizani, Federico Ghisliero, Marcho Docciolini, Nicoleto Giganti, Salvador de Fabres, Capoferro, Maestre Clasio, Maestre Vico, Babote, and others of lesser importance, if only their insaciable ambition would permit it be said thus....

1 The word in the text is "torreos". Some possible words that are close are: "torneos" (tournaments) and "toreos" (bullfights).
2 His name was listed as "el Alferez Falopia". "Alférez" in Spanish can also mean "ensign" or "second lieutenant.

Pacheco de Narváez, Luis. Nueva ciencia y filosofía de la destreza de las armas, su teórica y práctica. Trans. Mary Dill Curtis. Madrid: Melchor Sánchez, 1632.