He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.

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the Destreza Glossary
U - Universal

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (S-Z), 1739
Universal. Se aplica en la Esgrima al ángulo recto, al tajo, y al movimiento de conclusión. Lat. Universalis. Quev. Mus.6. bail.2. “La universal es el dar, quarto círculo, cadena, / atajo, todo dinero, / rodeo, toda promessa.”

Universal. In Fencing it applies to the right angle, the tajo, and the disarming movement. Lat. Universalis. Quev. Mus.6. bail.2. “The universal is the giving, quarter circle, chain, / engagement [atajo], all money / rodeo, all promise."