He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.

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the Destreza Glossary
Apartar la linea del punto

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (A-B), 1726
Apartar la linea del punto. En la esgrima es desviar la espáda de la postúra del ángulo recto, que es donde está el médio de la postúra del brazo. Lat. Ensis cuspidem aliò avertere magis quam exigat angulus rectus.

Take the point off line [Literally: Separate the line from the point]. In fencing it is to deflect the sword from the posture [position] of the right angle, that is where the middle [center, measure] of the posture [position] of the arm is. Lat. Ensis cuspidem aliò avertere magis quam exigat angulus rectus.

Glossary: Compendio de la Filosofía y Destreza de las armas de Geronimo de Carranza por Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez

14. Apartar la linea del punto, es defuiar la efpada de la poftura del angulo recto, que es donde efta el medio de la poftura del braço.

To take the point off-line is to deflect the sword from the position of the right angle, that is where the center of the arm’s position is located.