He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

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the Destreza Glossary
F - Fingir

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (D-F), 1732
Fingir. v.a. Dissimular cuidadosamente alguna cosa para que no se perciba su verdadera naturaleza, o se juzgue contraria de lo que es. Viene del Latino FingereI. Quev. M.B. Quest. Polit. Valiendose D. Férnando de un divertimiento mañoso, fingió que se olvidaba de lo que mas tenía en la memoria. Solis, Hist. de Nuev. Esp. lib.4. cap.6. Era su mayór congoja el hallarse obligado a fingir seguridad y desahogo, trahiendo en el rostro la quietúd, y dejando en el pecho la tempestad.

To fake [To pretend]. v.a. To carefully dissimulate [dissemble] something so that one does not perceive your true nature, or one judges it contrary to what it is. Comes from the Latin Fingerel. Quev. M.B. Quest. Polit. Taking advantage of a mañoso diversion, D. Fernando pretended that he had forgotten what he had foremost in his memory. Solis, Hist. de Nuev. Esp. lib.4. cap.6. It was his greatest congoja to find himself obliged to pretend security and desahogo, appearing calm in the face, and leaving the tempest in his chest.

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599
Fingir [yo Finjo,] = to faine, to dissemble, to counterfeit, to forge.

Fingidaménte = fainedly, counterfeitly, dissemblingly, hypocritically.
Fingido [m.] = fained, dissembled, counter feited, forged.
Fingidór [m.] = a fainer, a dissembler, a for ger, a counterfeiter.
Fingimiénto [m.] = faining, forging, coun terfeiting, dissembling.
Finjidaménte [vide Fingidaménte,] = fainedly, counterfeitly.