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the Destreza Glossary
Falchion ?

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (A-B), 1770
Alfange. s.m. Especie de espada ancha, corta y corva, que tiene corte solo por un lado. Acinaces. Cerv. Quix. tom. I. cap.41. Llegamos al baxel, y saltando él dentro primero, metió mano á un alfange.

Falchion. s.m. Type of wide, short and curved sword that has a cutting edge only on one side. Acinaces. Cerv. Quix. tom. I. cap.41. We arrived at the baxel, and jumping inside first, he reached for a scimitar.

Alfange. Lo mismo que pez espada, ó espadarte.

Scimitar [Cutlass]. The same as swordfish, or espadarte.

Alfangete. s.m. dim. poc. us. de alfange. Ensiculus. Varg. Milic. Indian. lib.2 pág.45. Pero digo que en su lugar lleven unas medias espadas, alfangetes, ó cimitarras, machetones, ó cuchillos largos de monte.

Alfangete. s.m. diminutive little used of falchion. But I say that in its place they carry half swords, alfangetes or scimitars, machetes or large knives de monte.

Alfanjazo. s.m. La herida, ó golpe que se da con el alfange. Acinacis ictus.

Alfanjazo. s.m. The strike or blow that one makes with the falchion. Acinacis ictus.

Alfanjon. s.m. aum. de alfange. Grandior acinax.

Alfanjon. s.m. augmentative of falchion. Grandior acinax.

Dictionary: Meriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (online)
Scimitar: Etymology: Italian scimitarra. Date: circa 1548. a saber having a curved blade with the edge on the convex side and used chiefly by Arabs and Turks.

Falchion: Etymology: Middle English fauchoun, from Middle French fauchon, from fauchier to mow, from (assumed) Vulgar Latin falcare, from Latin falc-, falx. A broad-bladed slightly curved sword of medieval times.

Cutlass: Etymology: Middle French coutelas, augmentative of coutel knife, from Latin cultellus, diminutive of culter knife, plowshare. Date: 1594. 1. a short curving sword formerly used by sailors on warships, 2. machete.

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
Cimitárra [f.] = a faulchion, a Turkie sword.