He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.

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the Destreza Glossary
C - Compás

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (C), 1729
Compas. En la esgríma es cierto movimiento que se hace con los pies, de varias figúras y modos, que unos se llaman dobles, otros sencillos, ò por la linea infinita, sin los quales no hai herida que se execute, se difiera ò impida, por ser uno de los principales fundamentos de la destreza, y mediante los quales tienen sér las tretas, y el diestro ofende à su contrário, y se defiende de él. Lat. Pedum mensura in ludicra armorum arte. Cerv. Quix. Tom.2. cap.13. Mejor es retirarnos con buen compás de pies, que es la verdadera destréza. Quev. Tacañ. cap.10. Daba un falto, y decía, con este compás gano los grados del perfil: ahóra me aprovecho del movimiento remiso para matar al naturál: esta havia de ser cuchillada, y este tajo.

Compass. In fencing it is a certain movement that one makes with the feet, of [by] various figures and modes, that some call doubles, others simples [singles], or on [by] the infinite line, without which there is no injury [attack] that is performed [executed], it is deferred or impeded, by being one of the fundamental principles of the art of defense, and by means of which the techniques have their being, and the swordsman attacks his adversary, and defends himself from him. Lat. Pedum mensura in ludicra armorum arte. Cerv. Quix. Tom.2. cap.13. It is better to retreat with good compass of feet, that is the true art of defense. Quev. Tacañ. cap.10. He made a falto, and said, with this compass I gain the degrees of the profile: now I take advantage of the remiss movement to kill the natural [movement]: this should be a cut, and this tajo [right-to-left cut].

Compas curvo. En la esgrima es el que se dá por qualquiera de los lados de la circunferencia del círculo. Lat. Inflexio corporis in quamlibet partem circull.

Curved compass. In fencing it is that which one makes by [through] whichever of the sides of the circumference of the circle. Lat. Inflexio corporis in quamlibet partem circull.

Compas extraño. En la esgrima es el que derechamente se dá hácia atrás. Lat. Corporis retroactio in arte gladiatoria.

Strange [Distant] compass. In fencing it is that which one makes straight backward. Lat. Corporis retroactio in arte gladiatoria.

Compas mixto. En la esgrima es el que se compóne del recto y del curvo, ù del extraño y el de trepidacion. Lat. Mixta inflexio corporis in arte gladiatoria.

Mixed compass. In fencing it is that which is composed of the straight and the curved, or of the strange [distant] and that of trepidation. Lat. Mixta inflexio corporis in arte gladiatoria.

Compas recto. En la esgrima es el que se dá hácia adelante por la linea del diámetro. Lat. Inflexio corporis per lineam diametralem in arte gladiatoria.

Straight compass. In fencing it is that which one makes toward the front by the line of the diameter. Lat. Inflexio corporis per lineam diametralem in arte gladiatoria.

Compas transversal. En la esgrima es el que se dá por qualquiera de los lados ò lineas del ángulo rectilineo imaginado en el círculo común. Lat. Transversio corporis in quamlibet lineam anguli.

Transversal compass. In fencing it is that which one makes by [to, through] whichever of the sides or lines of the rectilinear angle imagined in the common circle. Lat. Transversio corporis in quamlibet lineam anguli.

Compas trepidante, ù de trepidacion. En la esgrima es el que se dá por la linea infinita, à qualquiera de los lados.

Compass trepidante, or of trepidacion. In fencing it is that which one makes by [on] the infinite line, to whichever of the sides.

Dictionary: Minsheu 1599 (Spanish-English)
Compás, [m.] a paire of compasses.
Compassár, to measure with a compasse, to compasse about.

Related Words:
Atár = to binde, to wrap, to imbrace, to ouercome, to winde or compasse a bout, as Iuie about a tree.
Bojár = to compasse about.
* Bóxo = roundnes, compasse, circuit.
yo Cérco, [1. Pr[ae]t. [yo Cerqué,]] = to compasse about, to inclose, to wall about, to hedge or fence in, to [intrench,]
* Cercuíto, or Cerquíto = a circuit, a round compasse.
Cerrar [yo Ciérro,] = to locke, to barre, to bolt, to hedge, to stop, to put into a cloi ster, to limit or appoint his compasse, to button in, to close or come in togither.
* Circuír = to compasse about.
* Circúito = a compasse, a circuit.
Circularménte = in round compasse like a circle.
* Circundádo = compassed round.
* Circundár = to compasse rounde, to be set on all sides.
* Circunferéncia [f.] = the compasse of all round about.
* Girár = to wheele or compasse about.
Impossible = vnpossible, that cannot be compassed, that which is beyond his power.
Límite [m.] = a bounde, a limit, a compasse.
* Molír = to compasse, to goe about.
obTu viésse. [Fut. [obTu viére,]] = to obtaine, to get, to compasse.
Rodeádo = compassed about.
Rodeár = to compasse about.
* Rodeándo = wheeling or compassing a bout.

Dictionary: Palsgrave 1530 (English-French)
Cercle or compasse cercle s ma.
Compas a cercle or rondell compas ma. cercle s ma.
Compassyng of tyme reuolution s fe.
Compassing goyng about a thyng circuition s fe.
Compassyng a matter farre of circumbages ma.
I Cyrcule I compasse a thyng a boute/ Ie circuys, and ie circule. I haue cyrculed this all redy: Iay cir culé cecy desia.
I Compasse I go roude aboute a thyng/ Ie circuys, nous circuissons ie circuis, iay circuyt, ie circuiray, que ie circuye, circuire. tercie con. M.

Glossary: Compendio de la Filosofía y Destreza de las armas de Geronimo de Carranza por Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez

25. Co'pas recto, es quando el pie va por la linea que atrauiefsa el circulo por medio.

Straight compass, is when the foot goes along the line that crosses the circle through the middle.

26. Co'pas curuo, es quando el pie fe pone a algun lado de la circunferencia.

Curved compass, is when the foot is placed to some side of the circumference.