He who knows most, doubts most.  — Jerónimo de Carranza

Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.

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the Destreza Glossary
C - Concluir/Conclusión

Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (C), 1729
Conclusión. En la esgrima es la accion de concluir al contrario. Lat. Adversarii in pugna subjugatio. Narb. Destr. fol.210. Y executada en otra forma y tiempo la conclusion de la espáda, tiene gran riesgo.

Disarm. In fencing it is the action to disarm the adversary. Lat. Adversarii in pugna subjugatio. Narv. Destr. fol.210. And executed in another form [way] and time the disarm of the sword, is very risky.

Concluir. En la Esgríma es ganarle la espáda al contrário por el puño ò guarnicion, de suerte que no puede usar de ella. Lat. Ad incitas cogere. Narb. Destr. fol.210. Ganados los tercios de la espáda del contrario en esta forma, le concluirá, haciendose dueño de la guarnicion de la espáda con la mano izquierda.

To disarm. In Fencing it is to take [win, gain] the adversary’s sword by the hilt or guard, so that he can’t use it [the sword]. Lat. Ad incitas cogere. Narb. Destr. fol.210. Gained [taken, won] the tercios of the adversary’s sword in this way, he will disarm him, making himself the owner of the sword's guard with the left hand.