Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.
Dictionary: Academia Autoridades (D-F), 1732
Desvio. s.m. El acto de Desviar ù desviarse. Lat. Discessio.
Deflexio. …
Desvío [Deflection, Parry]. s.m. The act of Deflecting or redirecting. Lat. Discessio. Deflexio. …
Desviar. En la Esgrima vale divertir el movimiento que hace la espáda contrária. Lat. Ictum deflectere.
Desviar. In Fencing it means to divert the movement that the adversary’s sword makes. Lat. Ictum deflectere.
Dictionary: Minsheu 1599
desVio [m.] = missing the right way.
* desVios = by-waies, wrong waies.
desViár, or desViarse = to goe wrong, to misse the right way.
* desViádo [m.] = missing the right way.
Glossary: Compendio de la Filosofía y Destreza de las armas de Geronimo de Carranza por Don Luis Pacheco de Narvaez
86. Defuiar, es defuiar el mouimie'to q’ haze la efpada co'traria, y ta'bien efta'do parada.
To deflect, is to deflect the movement that the opposing sword makes, and also being stopped.