Dedicated to researching historical Spanish fencing and sharing the knowledge with the public.
Academia Autoridades (G-M), 1734
Manotada – En la esgrima es
una herida, que consta de tres movimientos del brazo, y dos de la espada. Es treta
mui falsa, porque al irla à executar queda expuesto el lado izquierdo,
y librando le espáda el contrario, puede ser herido facilmente el que la
quiere hacer. Narb. Fundam. Lat. Ensis ictus
triplics brachij motus intentus.
Off-hand beat [cuff, strike with the hand]. In fencing it is an attack, that is composed of three movements of the arm, and two of the sword. It is a very false technique, because upon going to perform [execute] it the left side is [remains] exposed, and the adversary freeing his sword, he that he wants to do it can be easily wounded. Narb. Fundam. Lat. Ensis ictus triplics brachij motus intentus.
Manotada. s.m. El golpe que se dá con la mano, de cuyo nombre se forma. Lat. Manus ictus, vel percussio. …
Cuff. s.m. The blow that one gives with the hand, from whose name it is formed. Lat. Manus ictus, vel percussio….